DELHI:EROS TIMES: Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi on Wednesday came down heavily on the PMO for brazenly defying the hon’ble Supreme Court orders and pressurizing the officers working with Delhi Government through Services to stall projects of the Delhi Government.
Manish Sisodia, while addressing a press conference at the Delhi Secretariat, said that it can’t be a coincidence that most of the IAS officers are refusing to obey orders of the government in-spite of the hon’ble Supreme Court orders?
It is very clear that they have instructions from the Centre & PMO to stall the projects of public welfare in Delhi. By doing this through the IAS officials, the Centre is not only killing the democratic & federal structure of the country but is also defying & disregarding the orders of the apex court.
The hon’ble Supreme Court in its order on July 04 clearly said that the hon’ble LG (representative of the Centre) has powers just on three reserved subjects – Police, Land & Public Order and powers on all the other subjects lie with the elected government of Delhi. Even after such clear orders of the hon’ble SC, the PMO/Centre through the IAS officials are defying it openly in Delhi.
The officers are refusing to comply with the directions of the Cabinet. Several important decision, which are much required for the people of Delhi & governance are being defied. A few examples are listed below-
Transport Secretary: The Transport Secretary refused to file the appeal in Supreme Court against a Delhi High Court order. The High Court order, which was to be challenged in SC, stayed the purchase of 2000 buses for Delhi. The 2000 new buses once procured would majorly boost the public transport system of the city. It would help people leave their personal vehicles and use public transport, which would help in the reduction of pollution. Delhi is short of buses and these buses need to be procured as soon as possible. Stalling this process is not only an anti-people but also a clear violation of the hon’ble Supreme Court order.
Food Commissioner: The Food Commissioner refused to implement the Door Step Delivery of Ration Scheme passed by the cabinet. He refused it even after he was directed by the Chief Minister. The Door Step Delivery of ration scheme aims at providing ration to the beneficiaries at their door step. This scheme will not only plug the issue of quality of ration but would also do away with the hugely prevalent ration mafia involved in the system. Sub-standard ration and corruption in the ration is prevalent and a big problem throughout the country and the Delhi government is the first to implement a scheme which would do away not only with the problem of quality but corruption also. Any attempt is clearly an attempt to devoid the beneficiaries from their rights apart from being violation of the hon’ble SC decision.
MD DSIIDC: The Managing Director of the Delhi State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation (DSIIDC) refused to carry out the developmental works in the unauthorized colonies in Delhi. Unauthorized colonies lack the basic facilities like roads, drains and sewer. A huge number of people stay in these colonies all over Delhi. Changing the lives of the residents has been one of the top agendas of the present government. Once the developmental works in these colonies are carried out, the residents of these colonies will live a dignified life. Defying the government orders by the officer is anti-people welfare and clearly against the apex court’s decision.
Secretary (AR): Minister In-charge appointed Chairman and member of the Public Grievance Commission (PGC). The Secretary (AR) refuses to issue notification. Positions of Chairman and member of the PGC are lying vacant for many months now. This is a very important Commission as it deals with day to day grievances of the public and directs various Delhi government officials to solve public grievances. On Monday, Kailash Gahlot, Minister AR, after taking approval from the Chief Minister, appointed Chairman and Member of PGC. He then sent the file to Secretary (AR) to issue notification. However, Secretary (AR) refused to issue notification saying that the file needs to be sent to the hon’ble LG, which is obviously against the hon’ble Supreme Court order.
Law Secretary: The Law Secretary refused the Law Minister’s directions on Delhi Government’s panel of advocates in Supreme Court and High Court. The government had restored its panel following the 4th July judgement by the Constitution Bench of the hon’ble Supreme Court, which stated that except the subjects of land, police and public order, all subjects are within the exclusive domain of the elected government of Delhi. It is a conspiracy to deny the Delhi government from being represented properly in courts by effective lawyers of its choice.
Officers: Officers have refused to pay bills of the advocates which have been pending for long. The hon’ble LG under instructions from the Central government has directed officers not to clear the bills of advocates who have appeared for the Delhi government in the Delhi High Court and the Supreme Court. The intention behind this conspiracy is to send a message to the lawyer’s community not to appear for the Delhi government.